Number of Coles Group stores in Australia in 2024

Last updated on December 02, 2024

How many Coles Group stores are there in Australia?

There are 1,533 Coles Group stores in Australia as of December 02, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Coles Group locations in Australia is New South Wales, with 451 stores, which is about 29% of all Coles Group stores in Australia.


How can I download a list of Coles Group stores in Australia into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 1,533 Coles Group locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 8 States and Territories with the most Coles Group stores

New South Wales

451 (29%)

A store for every 18,122 people, in New South Wales with about 29% of the total number of Coles Group stores


424 (28%)

A store for every 15,712 people, in Victoria with about 28% of the total number of Coles Group stores


324 (21%)

A store for every 16,034 people, in Queensland with about 21% of the total number of Coles Group stores

State / Territory Number of stores Population Population per store
New South Wales 451 (29%) 8.17M 18.12K
Victoria 424 (28%) 6.66M 15.71K
Queensland 324 (21%) 5.20M 16.03K
Western Australia 186 (12%) 2.67M 14.36K
South Australia 71 (5%) 1.77M 24.94K
Tasmania 32 (2%) 542.00K 16.94K
Australian Capital Territory 28 (2%) 432.00K 15.43K
Northern Territory 17 (1%) 247.00K 14.53K

There are no states and territories without Coles Group stores in Australia

Cities with the most number of Coles Group stores in Australia

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Narre Warren Victoria 6
Launceston Tasmania 5
Toowoomba Queensland 5
Mackay Queensland 5
Armadale Western Australia 4
Ballarat Victoria 4
Rockhampton Queensland 4
Benowa Queensland 4
Mount Gravatt Queensland 4
Pakenham Victoria 4

Download the complete database of Coles Group Locations in Australia

You can download the full list of Coles Group locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Coles Toowong Sherwood Rd Toowong QLD 4066 (07) 3335 4600 -27.485174 152.991165 Sherwood Rd, Toowong, QLD, 4066 Australia 2024-12-02
Coles Port Douglas 11 - 17 Macrossan St Port Douglas QLD 4877 (07) 4099 5366 -16.481956 145.463034 11 - 17 Macrossan St, Port Douglas, QLD, 4877 Australia 2024-12-02
Coles Craigmore Yorktown Road Craigmore SA 5114 (08) 8252 1233 -34.70865 138.704976 Yorktown Road, Craigmore, SA, 5114 Australia 2024-12-02
Coles Express Rocklea 1728 Ipswich Rd (Cnr Shettleton St) Rocklea QLD 4106 (07) 3338 1298 -27.560077 153.00047 1728 Ipswich Rd (Cnr Shettleton St), Rocklea, QLD, 4106 Australia 2024-12-02
Coles Moranbah Griffin Street Moranbah QLD 4744 (07) 4941 8888 -22.00099 148.043099 Griffin Street, Moranbah, QLD, 4744 Australia 2024-12-02
Coles Pacific Pines Norris Street Pacific Pines QLD 4211 (07) 5644 1300 -27.925011 153.305366 Norris Street, Pacific Pines, QLD, 4211 Australia 2024-12-02
Coles Merrylands 4 Mcfarlane St Merrylands NSW 2160 (02) 8868 1200 -33.834948 150.989409 4 Mcfarlane St, Merrylands, NSW, 2160 Australia 2024-12-02
Coles Goonellabah 44 Oliver Avenue Goonellabah NSW 2480 (02) 6625 0023 -28.823521 153.325942 44 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah, NSW, 2480 Australia 2024-12-02
Coles Griffith Yambil St & Crossing St Griffith NSW 2680 (02) 5924 2300 -34.291006 146.053549 Yambil St & Crossing St, Griffith, NSW, 2680 Australia 2024-12-02
Coles Express Port Lincoln 92 Tasman Tce Port Lincoln SA 5606 (08) 8286 2240 -34.721145 135.860061 92 Tasman Tce, Port Lincoln, SA, 5606 Australia 2024-12-02

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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